is one of the most-asked questions put
to this boxing and business champ (and no,
I did NOT ask him and no, I'm not that
tall...he is sitting in the photo at left,
handing me a copy of
his latest book
Knockout Entrepreneur.)
His exchange with the reporter
went something as follows:
"Do you know Ali?"
"Do you know Holyfield?"
"Do you know Joe Frazier and Ken Norton?"
"Well, let all those guys hit YOU in the head and see how
many names you can remember!"
In his book, Foreman says one of the biggest obstacles to
success is fear of taking a risk and the desire to stay in your
comfort zone. While making his comeback, he found his right
hand had weakened. Normally a boxer moves in tight circles
to the left as he moves around the ring. Foreman decided to
work on moving to the right, and worked twice as hard
on his left hand.
Challengers in the ring who had studied his old films (where
he moved to the left) were surprised when they found a
strong left-handed George moving to the right. He credits
that change in fundamentals with taking him back to the top.
He took a weakness and turned it into an opportunity.
"There's no shame in changing," says Foreman. His advice:
ask probing questions..."How can I do what I do better...
am I problem oriented or solution oriented?"
Hmmm...I think he's been reading our newsletters!
If you ever get the chance to hear big George speak, do it.
He's the real authentic, engaging, funny and
inspirational man driven by his faith, family and community.
Fold Roller Washes
A reader asked our opinion on using MRC (metering roller cleaner)
for folding machine fold rollers. Mark did a little research on the
topic, and here's what we found.
Most of us are inclined to lump all combination style fold rollers
into one rubber+steel category. But rubber is a very broad
category and in fact there are many types of vulcanized
rubber, polyurethanes and foams that are used in fold rollers,
even within the same makes and models.
So MRC, a 'rubber' roller cleaner, should be OK to use, right?
Not so fast. The rubber used in metering rollers is different
than fold roller rubber, and using MRC can damage your
fold rollers.
The first, best course of action is to check with the
manufacturer of your folder. Technology and materials
are changing all the time and you don't want to
inadvertently damage thousands of dollars of rollers.
"We've always done it that way" can be an expensive
motto, so double check whether that press wash or MRC
is compatible with your fold roller rubber.
MBO and Horizon techs recommend using Varn VWM, which
will remove both solvent-soluble and water-soluble glazes
in one washup. You'll get both types of build-up on
fold rollers, so it's convenient to have a one-step wash.
VWM can be mixed with 20 to 50% water for best results.
A Baum technician suggests using Surewash from RBP
Chemical on their fold rollers. Wayne Pagel of Kepes,
a specialist in fold rollers, cautions us to avoid rubber roller
(MRC) or type wash, and stick with a cleaner designed for
the type of rubber in your fold rollers.
As we discussed last week, running tough jobs like
aqueous will highlight worn or dirty fold rollers and you'll
want to clean more frequently when running tough jobs.
Just be sure to clean them with the right solution.
Point of View
Whatever you are ready for is ready for you.
Mark Victor Hansen
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing
new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust
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