Saturday, January 10, 2009

Here We Go...into the blogosphere!

"Everyone" says you've got to have a blog. So here I go.
I'm pretty good at keeping up with most technology but
this social networking stuff has been on the back burner
for lots of years.

But you know what? I see some good uses for this.
I think I'm beginning to see the light, plus it's much
easier to do than it used to be.
For starters, it's a way for me to have a conversation with
thousands of customers like you. So I want to hear what you
have to say, starting with the one question, mini-poll at the right.

And if you haven't already done so, be sure to sign
up for the newly expanded 15-part Bindery Success Strategies
email course. It's totally free and it's full of tips and tricks
from our innovative customers as well as the staff at Technifold.
Click Here to Sign Up Automatically

Look for new posts here about twice a week and feel
free to leave a comment or suggestion.

Thanks for reading!

Andre Palko
Technifold USA